photo: Letrot
Disqualified last year, everyone was counting on him this year and he did not disappoint.
Severino's son, Idao De Tillard showed every horse racing fan how tough he is. After being nose to wind throughout the whole race, even 3 and 4 wide, he reaccelerated beautifully again in the final 250 meters leaving the rest chasing behind.
Hokkaido Jiel gave an excellent performance and finished 2nd. The Swedish Queen Joviality also gave a brilliant performance where she finished 3rd.
This was Thierry Duvaldestin's third win in the Amerique as a trainer and first for his son Clement as a driver.
Idao's remaining two races for the winter meeting will be the Prix De France on February 11th and the Prix Selection on March 2nd.
Check out pictures and videos taken by HarnessWorld here